I read
this post months ago, and over the summer decided to try it out. However, before I could try out the necklace (which I will post tomorrow, since I did things a little differently), I had to make me some tassels!
I headed to Jo Ann's and more or less went hog wild, coming up with countless combinations of ombre (and metallic as seen above and below..) of tassels. Of course, I had to pare it down, which I did do... to five combos. Casual.
When I got back home, I took the embroidery floss, a piece of cardboard the size of a Post-It note, and some scissors and headed down to the beach to soak up the sun and whip out some tassels. I'm not going to lie, it was a little tricky at first, but quickly became a cathartic process. I know, I'm weird.
Sidebar: Remember when I wanted to make {
this}? Well, now I know how to make all of the tassels! I have yet to accomplish punching grommets, and I still need to make a field trip to Mood to pick up some sturdy canvas (there wasn't anything of the sort in Jo Ann's), but that will be Christmas break's project.
Anyhow, here's how you can make your own tassels to do just about anything with! (I already have a mental list of bracelets, earrings, blankets, camera straps, pillows, etc!!)
You Will Need:
1 skein of embroidery floss per tassel
Cardboard cut to the size of a post it
{I promise this is easy}
To Do:
1. Cut two pieces of embroidery floss, one about 4-5 inches, and one about 8 inches. Put these aside, you'll need them in a bit.
2. Wrap the rest of the skein around the cardboard until the skein ends.
3. Slowly and carefully wiggle the floss off of the cardboard.
4. Taking the smaller piece of floss, tie a knot around the center of bundle. Snip the loops on both ends.
5. Fold the bundle over and wrap the longer piece of floss around the tassel consistently, then knot it.
6. Trim the tassel and you're done!
You'll end up with a few of these:
pink! |
jade |
blues |
brass-gold |
*Unless otherwise noted, all pictures are property of Splash of Color & if used, please cite!